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PACS integration

The software can be interfaced with PACS workstation  or MRI (or an application server). The level of integration can varied from a full integration, with direct selection of the slices in the PACS software, to a slight integration, with just an export of DICOM images to the MRQuantif software. Do not hesitate to ask your PACS vendor for a better integration.

  • For a client PACS windows , download the installation file for Windows and integration will be automatic. Start the installation on the workstation concerned. Normally he must find the corresponding Telemis directory. Otherwise install in/Telemis/entity/tmrhe/plugins (or .../tmrhe_mammo/plugins ). Note: during this manual installation it could be necessary to create the "plugins" directory if it doesn't already exist.
  • For a Macintosh client, integration is possible but without using the installer.
  • After installation, you can add the "MRQuantIF" button in your browser and viewer button area.
  • Then you can either select the serie(s) in the browser and click on the "MRQuantIF" button, either select, from the viewer, the correct slice of the multi-echo sequence and click on the "MRQuantIF" button.

  • In the browser, select the serie(s) to export.
  • Export them using the menu item " Save as ..."
  • Specify the full path of the directory ' FromPACS ' in the " MRQuantIF " folder and add a dummy file name to create the patient file , eg " C:/MRQuantIF/FromPACS/patientX ".
  • Choose the export mode "DICOMDIR" and check the checkbox "Keep the original size".
  • Run the export and when it is completed manually launch MRQuantIF software. The MRQuantIF software will automatically find the exported images.
  • By default, the content of the " FromPACS " folder will be removed by closing the software MRQuantIF.

  • You can install MRQuantif software on a Philips workstation (for example in the root of drive C:/) or you can use a USB key on which MRQuantif is already installed. You can create a shortcut on the desktop to simplify its launch.
  • In the Philips software create an export directory corresponding to the directory ' MRQuantif/FromPACS ' where you have installed the MRQuantif software (eg C:/ MRQuantif/FromPACS if you have install the software at the root level of C:/).
  • Select in the browser the serie(s) to export.
  • Run the export and when it is completed manually launch the MRQuantif software. It will automatically find the exported images.
  • The contents of the " MRQuantif/FromPACS " folder will be removed by closing the MRQuantif software.

  • You can install MRQuantif software on a Philips workstation (for example in the root of drive C:/) or you can use a USB key on which MRQuantif is already installed. You can create a shortcut on the desktop to simplify its launch.
  • In SyngoVia open the study and select the serie(s) to export.
  • Click on the export button (ctrl-E) and select the export directory ' MRQuantif/FromPACS ' where you have installed the MRQuantif software (eg C:/ MRQuantif/FromPACS if you have install the software at the root level of C:/).
  • Select to export DICOM, uncompressed, without viewer et without de-identification to not remove the private DICOM fields containing coil informations (screen copy in french version)
  • Run the export and when it is completed manually launch the MRQuantif software. It will automatically find the exported images.
  • The contents of the " MRQuantif/FromPACS " folder will be removed by closing the MRQuantif software.

  • Install MRQuantif in the root of drive C of the AGFA station. Download here the complementary files needed. Put the MRQuantif.vbs file in the MRQuantif folder. This file allows the launch of the MRQuantIF software by the PACS client.
  • If your MRI creates one serie by echo time use the grouping agent "MR_regroup.tcl". It is descibed in the french pages (and the french manual included) but I can help you.
  • Install in the PACS the "MRQuantIF.tcl" assistant. It should be added to the trigger scripts "Tool bar" by importing it. Then, add it to your tool bar. Images will be exported in the "C:/MRQuantIF/FromPACS" folder and the MRQUantIF will be launched by the script MRQuantIF.vbs.

In all cases where you can install the MRQuantIF software on a computer connected in DICOM with PACS.

(Tested on PC windows only but we can surely do the equivalent in other OS)

This function is based on the java DICOM toolkit from PixelMed (Thanks David !)

Three solutions according to your needs:

  • episodic : automatically launch the DICOM receiver when launching the software by going to the Configuration section and choosing only when MRQuantif isrunning dans la zone DICOM Store
  • for the duration of a session : start the file mrq_scp.bat and leave the window that appears open as long as you want the receiver to work
  • when starting the PC : see with a computer scientist to launch this file mrq_scp.bat when starting the PC .